This has been a big week for me – I finally stretched into the exhilarating world of doing LIVE videos on Facebook! For those of you who are connected to me on Facebook both personally and through Vegan Chickpea, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for the love and encouragement you’ve sent my way over recent days. I’ve been overjoyed to feel so much support from you as I try on a new platform, and am also excited that I’m able to deliver even more value to you in a new, engaging way. YAY! It’s a win-win. 🙂
Interestingly, doing live video wasn’t something that I had even been considering. As many of you know, I’ve been experimenting with food recipe videos, where the creation of the recipe is filmed and set in fast motion to music to show you how easy and fun cooking can be, and to give you a visual of what the process looks like. These are the types of food videos that go ‘viral’ on social media, so I’ve been giving it a go at trying them out for myself.
Live video is a whole different world, testing out my ability to be spontaneous and unedited. I was intimidated at first, but I’m pleased to share that I enjoyed the process way more than I was expecting and am excited to keep going with more! Thank you to my friend Chelsea here on the Big Island, Hawaii who encouraged me to do live video in our private Facebook group here for a local Clean Eating Challenge. Without you Chelsea, who knows how long it would have taken me to take this step!
I now plan to do more videos in general and also live videos on Facebook when I can, eventually broadcasting directly through my Vegan Chickpea page (for now I’m only broadcasting in a private group as part of this 3 week eating challenge in Hawaii). Make sure you ‘like’ the page if you want to get notifications about these videos in the future!
If you’re not on Facebook or missed the posts, here are the two videos I’ve filmed thus far. I’d love to get your feedback or any questions you have about what I’ve shared in the comments below, or come over to my Facebook page to interact there! I’d also love to know if you enjoy this style of content and learning, where I’m on camera sharing about healthy recipes, meal planning and other vegan and gluten free related topics, so I can continue to tweak how I deliver content. Thanks for your participation and responses! I love reading each and every one. <3
- All food featured is soy free and sugar free!
- Slow cooker stuffed peppers with quinoa
- Spiralized zucchini noodles, spicy bean balls and roasted broccoli
- Get your spiralizer here
- Get your spiralizer here
- Mason jar salad: raw taco salad with raw ranch dressing
- Raw lemon bars
- Raw cacao hemp balls
- All food featured is soy free and sugar free!
- Granola bars
- Multi-seed crackers
- You can find coconut aminos
– soy free sauce sauce/tamari – here!
- You can find coconut aminos
- Raw tomato walnut pate
- Cream of broccoli soup
- Raw chocolate avocado mousse pie
- Spaghetti squash with homemade pesto, caramelized red onions, mushrooms, peas and marinated chickpeas
Thanks for watching!!
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